"Objects of Healing #I"
Lighted candles on a cold night. A warm bath late at night. A new hairdo. A cup of hot cocoa and a good book. Viewing a book of paintings by Vincent Van Gogh.
A long drive along a Michigan highway as the leaves are turning colors. Tickets to watch your favorite sports team play. An excellent meal enjoyed with people you love. A walk along your favorite nature trail. Viewing a book of paintings by the German Expressionists.
An unexpected call from a long-lost friend. New sheets and lots of pillows for your bed. A bedroom sanctuary. A personal altar for praying and meditating. Being "rained-in" with everything you need and no place to go. Viewing a book of paintings by Joseph Holston.
Viewing great art. Listening to jazz or classical music. Listening to any music you love. Reading favorite poems. Burning incense or potpourri. Enjoying a massage from your partner. Making love that has developed to a level of genuine intimacy and spirituality. Viewing a book of paintings and sculpture by Elizabeth Catlett.
Watching the sun come up after hours of meditating or reflecting. Viewing a full moon while visualizing your best life. Visualizing your best life in a chosen sanctuary. Viewing a book of paintings by Paul Cezanne.
Taking a special vacation day to do any or all of the following: Viewing the movie "The Scent of Green Papaya" (it is a feast for the eyes). Cooking a great meal for yourself and a loved one. Healing yourself with a Reiki treatment. Dancing by yourself. Shopping all day. Painting or drawing (even if this is new to you, have fun with it).
What good things do you enjoy giving your autumn soul? Or your "any-season" soul?
Wow! This is beautiful. I am enjoying the healing I can bring to broken souls and bodies. The holiday times are here and I love to use this time for fostering love and goodwill. I also want to continue on my journey of sexual/spiritual healing.
Again wow!
Thank you,Hillary. I always enjoy hearing from you. Of all your posts in the current series, I found the one about sex for procreation only particularly enlightening.
Thank you very much! That is so kind of you. As you can see, I am being challenged every step of the way in my attempts to bring some of these truths to light.
Wishing you much peace and happiness,
The challenges are to be expected, as everyone has a right to their own opinions. Even though I might not agree on everything that is written,I respect each person's right to voice their own truth.
Much peace and happiness to you as well, Hillary.
Thanks...I needed to be reminded of that. Great advice!
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