"Objects of Affection Series"
*Note: There are seven new Haiku poems in the sidebar, as well as one sent to me by my friend, Lisa.
- Deciding to re-schedule my Open Studio Show to a later date was a tough decision, particularly since I've already put so many long hours of work into its preparation. But I'd rather do it right at a later date than do it on schedule with naggings doubts about what didn't get done. In addition to creating new work for the show, I've had to wear many hats for other tasks. Rather than complaining about who didn't follow through in helping me, suffice it to say that my favorite adage right now is, "If you want it done, do it yourself." That said, I'm feeling pretty good about my decision right now. I will post the new date once I decide when it will be.
-This week I completed two small paintings and two small collages on canvas. The latter had been in the making for a few weeks. Being a compulsive brush wielder, I find it easier to put aside a collage than a painting.
-Found a lovely Grumbacher #4 acrylic brush this week. A new brush is a wonderful thing, but mine tend to wear out fast, even the good ones.
-I love older music. Songs that helped me make it through the week: "Sultans of Swing"/Dire Straits; "My Dear Life"/Sadao Watanabe; "My Dearest Darling"/Etta James; "Dreams"/Fleetwood Mac; "Suzanne"/Nina Simone.