"Objects of Affection Series"
To me, imagination is the conceptual stage of an idea or a new way of viewing traditional or typical realities. Imagination might continue to dwell only in one's mind or it might be birthed to fruition through the process of creativity.
Although most artistic endeavors such as music, art and dancing are enhanced through the use of imagination, it can also be applied to many aspects of everyday living such as cooking, gardening, decorating, housekeeping, fashion and making love, to name a few.
Sometimes, it is stimulating to do mundane tasks in a new way by using one's imagination to be more creative. For example, I have a friend who is conservative in her political persuasion, but imaginative in how her home is organized and decorated. From the way her paintings are hung to how clothes are separated in her closet, she is extremely imaginative in how she handles her household, doing everything in fresh yet simplistic ways.
In art, imagination is delightful to behold when an artist presents material in unexpected ways that are uniquely his own. Two artists who immediately come to mind are Fernando Botero and Pablo Picasso. Botero's portly people are recognizable in his paintings, drawings and sculpture, while Picasso's cubist renderings are his own, no matter how many times his influence is apparent in the work of other artists.
I believe that we are all artists and that we all have the ability to imagine, however, I also believe that some of us choose to leave our imaginations in the conceptual stage rather than bringing it forth.
Although most artistic endeavors such as music, art and dancing are enhanced through the use of imagination, it can also be applied to many aspects of everyday living such as cooking, gardening, decorating, housekeeping, fashion and making love, to name a few.
Sometimes, it is stimulating to do mundane tasks in a new way by using one's imagination to be more creative. For example, I have a friend who is conservative in her political persuasion, but imaginative in how her home is organized and decorated. From the way her paintings are hung to how clothes are separated in her closet, she is extremely imaginative in how she handles her household, doing everything in fresh yet simplistic ways.
In art, imagination is delightful to behold when an artist presents material in unexpected ways that are uniquely his own. Two artists who immediately come to mind are Fernando Botero and Pablo Picasso. Botero's portly people are recognizable in his paintings, drawings and sculpture, while Picasso's cubist renderings are his own, no matter how many times his influence is apparent in the work of other artists.
I believe that we are all artists and that we all have the ability to imagine, however, I also believe that some of us choose to leave our imaginations in the conceptual stage rather than bringing it forth.
Suddenly I saw the female lightening bugs, floating around. Blinking on and off, as if inviting me forward. And so I walked...onwards into the park, past the pond where the fish leap out of the water at dusk.
As I pondered the meaning of the fish, especially the ones that made bubbles but never surfaced, a black turtle, about the size of four of my hands, poked his head out of the water. Pushing lily pads out of his way, he nosed forward...then eyeing me, like a submarine
he dived below the lilypads into the depths of the pond.
Life stood still...like internet time. My mind, often lazy, started to imagine things I'd say the next day. Or ideas popped in and out of my head. Would this hunch work? Yes. Perhaps I would blog about it or incorporate it into a new project.
Suddenly ideas flicked into my head at a rapid rate...I felt like a creative genius. If only I could capture them all! Elated, sitting at the pond and watching the full moon, I solved a deep problem.
Yes my unconscious had brought forward ideas...
my imagination stirred up from the murky depths
of yesteryear, ideas I had read about in books, ideas I had seen on film and my own original Lightening bug, pond and turtle inspired energy...
All propelled me forward into solving yet another riddle of life. Refreshed & satiated by
nature, I was ready to go back home and turn on my computer...work had to be finished...
Imagination is like a lover; best thought about when you are in the mood. Least thought about when you aren't in the mood.
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