In the garden of my backyard grows tiger lilies, roses, vinca, white snow, irises (fading fast), lavender (also fading), and several new babies with elusive names. All these lovelies are a joy to behold.
For whatever reason, I am not drawn to flower designs on fabrics or excited by seeing them in magazines. However, the pleasure of seeing real flowers, especially in a garden belonging to me, is just another reminder that there exists something higher than myself.
When I am looking at real flowers, I feel peaceful and removed from the often chaotic world of responsibilities and issues needing attention . At times when that other garden - the garden of my mind - is overflowing with seemingly too many things to handle, I go to the garden of my backyard.
In the garden of my mind, there sometimes grows doubt, floundering faith and hesitation. At this point in my life, I realize that developing spirituality is not static. There will sometimes be struggles between what you believe to be true and what this dream world tells you is real.
It is at these times that I need to go to the garden of my backyard for remembrance and renewal. I remember who I am, and I renew the thoughts growing in my mind. Today I choose to grow in the garden of my mind hope, unwavering faith and decisiveness.......
Very inspiring.
Congratulations, gette! I am slow in reading my mail but I am caught up now and so happy that you initiated this blog. I am looking forward to reading and admiring your works. You go girl!!!
p.s. Am in total agreement with you about real flowers versus flower prints.
connie mack
Great to hear from you! Many people have told me that they prefer real flowers to copies. It's something that is most enjoyed in its natural environment.
I concur. I love real flowers myself.
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